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I am excited to be back teaching English 3 and 4. In English 3 we are starting a new direction team teaching with the history department to bring more primary sources to the students. I have been teaching in Harper since the Fall of 1996. I have taught almost every English and History course from 6th-12th grades in that time span.  I have also taught theater and directed One Act Play during the same time span.

On the personal side, I am a native of Gillespie County and can trace my roots back to the first settlers here.  I have been married for 18 years and have 3 children who are proud to be Longhorns.


My conference times are 11:10-12 and 2:40-3:30 every day.  I can be reached through email at Or by school phone 830-864-4044 ext 1208


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